Thursday, March 11, 2010

Power of Two

I have returned from an amazing trip with my husband to Charleston, SC. What a wonderful place to visit. For a bit, I thought maybe we should move there. Then I found it the city is below sea level and I had to change my plans. I have a problem with living in places that are below sea level.

Today it was back to work and the real world. Not a bad day back. Got a good amount of work done and have some to do tomorrow too.

We ate the very last of our cupcakes tonight from Cupcake. If you are in Charleston, you have to try them out. Or you can drool over the thought of them by viewing them online.

To sum it all up, it was a great time away with a great person!

"And if we ever leave a legacy, it's that we loved each other well."


  1. Most people do not remember and recite their marriage vows as often as you do!
