Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A Better Place to Be

Music has always had such an important place in my life.  There are songs I remember singing as a child before I knew what the words meant.  And songs I loved singing when I knew what the words meant.  One of them is Harry Chapin's, A Better Place to Be.
This song takes place in a bar and involves some average people living hard lives.  My favorite part has always been when the waitress says to the man, "I wish that I were beautiful or that you were halfway blind.  I wish I weren't so dog gone fat and I wish that you were mine.  I wish that you'd come with me when I leave for home cause we both know all about loneliness and living all alone."
I love his honesty in songwriting.  You can picture these two people having this conversation. They look like people I know.  People just trying to make it in this world.  They've had troubles, losses, sadness.  They've known joy, love, happiness, but it has been awhile and they are looking for the good times again. At some point, we've all been these two.  We may have handled it different, but we understand.  For those of us who aren't currently struggling with loneliness, be thankful.  For those of us who wish there was someone special in our lives, I lift up a prayer for comfort, support, and love!

Advent Calendar

Friday, November 19, 2010

A Few of My Favorite Things...

As Thanksgiving comes around, I am reminded of all in my life for which I am thankful.  I try to be thankful daily and not just at Thanksgiving, but this time of year reminds me to say it publicly.

I am thankful for-
1.My husband.  He makes me laugh.  He smiles at me when I am not at my best.  He turns on the fireplace even when he thinks it is already too hot in the house but I am cold.  He does things he doesn't want to simply because he knows I do!  He argues with me when I need a reminder that compromising is also a good option.  He brings much joy to my life.  Thank you!
2.My family.  I thought about listing out all the members of my family, but it is a long list.  I'm thankful for the countless phone calls with my parents and sister each day/week.  I'm thankful for grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, in-laws, so many people who love me and let me love them.  Thank you family!
3.Friends. Again, this is an area where I could name everyone separately (and maybe I will in the future) but instead I'm just going to thank these people for journeying with me on this crazy ride called life!
4.Work that I enjoy! My job is great.  I just got a job extension and will be continuing to work with these great people until my husband is out of school!  Nice.  Very thankful!
5.A comfortable place to live.  We bought our house about 2.5 years ago and while it is mostly owned by a bank too big to fail I consider it ours.  We can paint when we want.  Fix what we want. Ignore that the carpeting needs replaced if we want.  It is cozy and perfect for us.
6.My car.  I love my car.  I purchased this car when I was living in a Northern State.  It was December and the heat went out on my 1993 Chevy Lumina.  I toughed it out for almost a month.  I went to the Honda dealership just to look around and drove out of their with my car.  It now has over 133000 miles on it 6 years later and I still love it.  Whenever it decides it needs to be retired (hopefully not for another 2 years), I'm buying another one just like it!
7.Health.  As someone who often hears about what is wrong with the health of others, I am thankful for my health.  I continue to pray for improved health for many that I love too.
8.Enough.  I am thankful that we have enough.  Somedays I have to remind myself I have enough!  But I do and I know it.  I want others to have enough too. 

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Story of a Life

Growing up I listened to whatever music my parents listened to...I would say this was true for many people.  I still enjoy singing along to Air Supply, but the artist who has stuck with me is Harry Chapin.  He talked about how his songs were too long to be played on the radio and I can see that might be true, but they each are their own story and a real story.

I just heard Story of a Life.  The end of the song goes like this...
Now sometimes words can serve me well
Sometimes words can go to hell
For all that they do.
And for every dream that took me high
There's been a dream that's passed me by.
I know it's so true
And I can see it clear out to the end
And I'll whisper to her now again
Because she shared my life.
For more than all the ghosts of glory
She makes up the story,
She's the only story
Of my life.

This song makes me thankful to the many people who have shared in my life and especially to the one person who promised to share my life.  He stands by me, laughs with me, and makes up the story of my life.  I love you!