Monday, March 1, 2010

Give Me a Clean Heart

I find myself smack dab in the middle of the Lenten season again. For the past few years in Lent, I've gotten rid of 40 things during the 40 days. It is an interesting and difficult process. I love to do it while struggling to let go of the things I think I need or might need in the future. It helps me to remember I have too much stuff and that can hold me back instead of helping me.

One of my hopes with this discipline is that with the extra space in my life and my house I'll find more time for God. I don't know that this is true unless I make the effort to put more time in my relationship with God. So less stuff does not immediately equal more time. I'll update you on the things I've removed from my house in case you are in need of inspiration this Lenten season.

1-Purple Sweatshirt
2-DVD Player (it was broken and I've been wanting to recycle it. Staples recycles them!)
3-TV (We had too many. This TV now resides in Florida with friends!)
4-20 pairs of sock (My sock drawer closes now!)
5-3 books
6-8 magazines
7-6 Chicken Soup for the Soul Books
8-3 more sweatshirts
9-7 bottles of body wash
10-Giant Coke Cooler (this has been living at my parent's house for a few years. I've finally given them the okay to sell it at the church yard sale.)
11-Coke dishes (so this one is a bit of a struggle. These were also found at my parent's house. I want to give them away and am also wanting to keep them. I'm going to let go of them but not easily!)
12-Flowered Garment Bag (again, found at parent's house!)
13-Cleaned out two bags that have been in my office for a year. Lots of recycling and some filing too!
14-2 bags of food for the food pantry!
15-3 sweaters
16-1 bottle of shampoo
17-3 plastic containers
18-bag of hotel soaps and shampoo
19-2 pairs of shoes
20-40 thank you cards
21-8 skeins of yarn
22-1 pair of sunglasses
23-15 VHS movies
24-15 cassette tapes
25-10 CDs
26-bag and box of stuff from office
27-overflowing bag of clothes
28-3 pairs of boxers
29-101 cookie cutters
30-3 cell phones
31-mailed a package to Montana
32-mailed a package to Indiana
33-gave away a gift that didn't suit me
34-10 packs of post-its
35-4 belts
36-a pan of brownies was shared with pharm students!
37-25 more magazines went to the thrift store!
38-40 My husband and I filled two huge bags and more with clothes etc to give to a family who lost everything in a house fire.

I'll be giving away some more stuff when my parents arrive with their van in a few weeks. Here ends my Lenten giving away!

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