Monday, March 22, 2010

Morning Has Broken

I'm not much of a morning person or a camping person. It's true! This past weekend I had the opportunity to be both and I enjoyed it. I was the adult in charge of driving and chaperoning two fabulous youth from my church. The three of us joined many more adults and middle school youth near the coast. It was a wonderful weekend.
The retreat was well organized and gave high school youth leadership opportunities. As an adult, I had very few responsibilities and I greatly appreciated that.
On Saturday morning, the sun was already up by the time I left the cabin. On Sunday morning, I was up before the sun. I didn't sit and watch the sun rise. I did spend some time enjoying the boats sailing up/down the river, watching the waves tickle the shore, and enjoying the quiet (which was a little hard to find!)
I think getting back to nature is so important for all of us (even those of us who love things like hot showers and comfortable beds). I appreciate the sand I tracked into the cabin (and into my house when I returned). I appreciate the smiles that my youth had when they said this is such a great place I can't wait to come back. I appreciate singing and dancing and laughing with new friends and old friends. I appreciate driving home sleeping youth who didn't need to sleep at night and weren't tired on the way home!
and I appreciate returning to my home, hugging my husband (who encouraged me to take a shower!), and taking a nice long nap in my bed.

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