Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I Wonder

Today I'm working on writing a Bible study about the call of Paul in Acts 9.  Every time I read this passage I'm reminded of the song, The Day that Paul Fell Off His Horse.  There is no horse in this passage.  No horse.  So many stories include a horse when talking about this passage.  Why?  How do things get started that have no basis in fact or the story?  It makes me wonder. 

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Another Sunday.  That means another morning of me running from one place to the next, always late, always hurrying.  It is tiring and inspiring.  I love the time to see so many people I only see once a week.  I wish there was a way to space out the time with them so it wasn't all at once.
I enjoy what I do.  It is great to get to spend time with so many fabulous people.  I get to walk with their on their journeys.  I love it. 
Some weeks I have to remind myself to slow down and breathe.  Take a breath.  So that is what I am pausing to do now...

Monday, October 4, 2010

The Middle

I can always tell when I need a vacation. Not the time when you just look out the window and want to be on a beach, I mean when you need a vacation. When it takes you twice as long as usual to do half as much work. When you can't remember something someone just told you because you can't focus. When you work hard and it just doesn't seem like enough. I'm there.
I've been working all day on getting ready for a meeting tonight. I keep getting distracted. My distraction is helping me to get other things done that also need attention, but it is not helping me get ready for tonight's meeting. It isn't a scary or horrible meeting. It is a meeting that requires lots of preparation and then hours of follow up tomorrow. So for the next three hours, I'll keep getting ready for this meeting and keep getting distracted and doing others things. Hopefully by the end of the day, I'll find myself in the middle...halfway between being overly prepared and forgetting everything I should have done.