Thursday, September 30, 2010

Good Enough

It is Thursday. Arriving at work, I soon realized this day is not going to go as I had planned. No problem, I'm flexible. By lunchtime, I've been dealing with this one issue all morning. Of course, this is not something from my to do list. It disrupts all my plans for the day, for tomorrow, and for the weekend. It's true, I'm crabby now. Plus, I have to confront someone. I do not enjoy confrontation. I can be good and mad at someone, but when I have to talk to them about it I find myself seeing their point of view and losing my anger. You might say this isn't a bad thing. It isn't as long as I'm not being stepped on or over all the time.
Well, I've eaten my lunch. I've played on the internet while eating to clear my mind. And now I'm going to pretend I've just started my day. I'm going to put the whole morning behind me and focus on what I need to do today! Today will be good enough in the end.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Jeremiah was a bullfrog...

Months ago I said I was reading through the Bible this year. I've been trying to keep up with this even though I haven't been reading as faithfully as I would like. Today, I finished the book of Jeremiah! Woohoo!
And Jeremiah was more of a prophet than a bullfrog...tomorrow I'll be reading Lamentations.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Just keep swimming!
So I've been taking swimming lessons. If you knew me, you would know what a big deal this is! At my very first lesson, I was in the deep end. I've never before willingly gone into the deep end before!!! Never. I've had about five lessons. Thing continue to improve. I've jumped into the deep end, done some water treading, and swam around in the deep end.
On Friday night, my husband gave me a lesson. We did lots of underwater bubble blowing. I swam underwater from side to side in the deep end. And I passed my swimming test. I decided my own personal swimming test was to jump into the deep end and swim to the other side. And Friday night I did it. I was so proud of myself. I'm not sure what I will do next after this amazing accomplishment. Go, me!!!!